
Karaoke Lyrics Editor has many unique  features, including:

  • Full internationalization support. The editor has been extensively tested with Russian and Chinese languages, and works with any other language supported by Qt. Besides traditional languages it has been successfully used to create Karaoke songs in Hindu, Thai, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Arabic.
  • Exported lyrics are saved in UTF-8 encoding. For imported lyrics the application lets you to choose the text encoding.
  • Supports most multimedia formats without depending on external player. The application is built using the FFMpeg and SDL libraries, and is able to play popular music formats, including MP3 and OGG.
  • Has extensive built-in help system and detailed online tutorial;
  • Supports exporting lyrics in LRC versions 1 and 2, and UltraStar formats;
  • Supports the video and image backgrounds which could be changed at specified time. Since the lyrics formats are text-based and do have no support for backgrounds, this is only relevant for CD+G and video export. Remember that CD+G is limited to total 16 colors.
  • Supports export into CD+G and AVI video formats;
  • Supports importing lyrics from LRC, UltraStar, KaraFun, PowerKaraoke and KOK formats;
  • Supports standard text editing features, including unlimited undo;
  • Supports adding and removing timing marks when the song is being played using mouse or a shortcut key;
  • Supports placeholders the cursor will stop on while inserting timing marks;
  • Flexible configuration of cursor movement when timing marks are inserted. The cursor could move to next word or end of line before moving to the next line;
  • Provides extensive validator engine which detects most common formatting errors in the lyric file;
  • Provides a preview window where the lyrics can be tested. A separate preview window is provided for CD+G and video lyrics.
  • Allows editing format-specific tags, and properly exports them.
  • Allows real-time testing of your changes in lyrics text or timing, with automatic music rewind a few seconds back just before the edited timestamp.
  • Checks and informs you whether a new version is available.