Spivak Karaoke Player

Spivak is an open source, cross-platform (Linux/Windows/OS X) Karaoke player based on GStreamer and Qt6. It supports a wide range of Karaoke formats, with the goal of playing all more or less widespread Karaoke formats on all popular platforms. It also has strong support for foreign languages, so playing Karaoke in Japanese, Russian or Hindu is fully supported.

The player is free and open source, with optional registration supporting additional customization functionality such as pitch modification and custom welcome screen messages.

Spivak has been designed to be a standalone Karaoke player, which could be used at your parties without a dedicated DJ. It is primarily controlled through its Web interface, so your guests can take care of themselves, searching and adding songs into the queue. The player will ensure fair rotation.

Spivak has been used by thousands of users for ten years and has celebrated ten years after its first release.

Spivak is licensed under GNU GPL version 3, and is written by George Yunaev.